Punjab’s case for its river waters
Waters and their Allocation between Indian and Pakistani Punjab
The joint
Punjab had five rivers Satluj, Beas, Ravi, Chenab and Jhelum which ran through
its territory joining the Indus on to the sea and hence the names Punjab and
Indus Basin. During partition in 1947 Chenab and Jhelum remained in Pakistani
Punjab while remaining three rivers ran both in Indian Punjab and Pakistani
Punjab. Thus Indian Punjab ceased to be co-riparian in respect of Chenab and
Jhelum, but it continued to be co-riparian with regards to SatIuj, Beas and
Ravi. Before partition Pakistani Punjab had a canal system which drew waters
from these three co-riparian Punjab Rivers. Indian Punjab being the upper
riparian, during the first year after partition, more than once virtually
stopped water supply to Pakistani canals to the detriment of Pakistan’s
agriculture, which was fed from these rivers. It gave rise to the dispute
between Pakistani Punjab and the Indian Punjab.
partition, Punjab had about 170 MAF of water in its rivers. It also had 5.6 MAF
of waters from Yamuna River flowing to the Ganga basin, because a part of that
river basin was located in the old united Punjab. At the time of partition the
three Punjab Rivers in the state had a total supply of about 38 MAF (including
Yamuna waters). After a dispute regarding sharing of waters, both India and
Pakistan finally agreed that three rivers; Satluj, Beas and Ravi would come in
the share of share of Indian Punjab and the waters of the other three rivers,
Indus included, went entirely to Pakistani Punjab. Under this agreement India
also ‘contributed’ 62 million Pounds to
Pakistan as their share of waters of these three rivers, which had earlier been
used in Pakistani Punjab as well. At the time of Independence, out of about
32.5 MAF in three Punjab Rivers, about 9 MAF were being used in Punjabi area
and one MAF was used in the erstwhile Bikaner state for which it paid royalty
to Punjab, the waters being of the State and not of the Central Government. The
rest of the water was being utilised in Pakistan Punjab or going down to the

Origin of Interstate Dispute
Here it
is relevant to state that in 1954 while the Indus water dispute was going on,
the Indian representative, in order to plead before the Indus Water Commission
about the proposed utilisation of waters of Punjab Rivers, required the Central
Government to hastily draw a project report showing utilization of waters of
these rivers in Punjab and Rajasthan. Accordingly, the Centre called an officer
level meeting to frame the ‘project’ for utilisation of 8 MAF in Rajasthan as
well and submitted to the Indus Commission. Apparently it was done only for the
consumption of the Indus Water Commission, which in some of its reports even
termed it as a ‘dubious’ report. However later, after ‘settlement’ of dispute
with Pakistan, it became the basis for actual diversion of Punjab waters to
Rajasthan. This allocation done in that officer- level meeting was, however, either
not in pursuance of any decision by the Punjab Ministry, Government, or the
Legislature, nor it an early post facto endorsement of this allocation sought.
1966, Punjab, like other states, remained the master of its river waters but at
the time of creation of ‘Punjabi Suba’, the Union Govt. of India introduced
sections 78 to 80 in the Punjab Reorganisation Act, 1966, under which it
virtually assumed the powers of controlling, maintaining, distributing and ‘developing’ the waters and hydel power of Punjab rivers. This act was
unconstitutional, discriminatory and violative of the provisions of the Indian
Constitutional provisions on riparian laws. Pursuant to this the Government of
India not only started exercising powers under these sections of the Act, but
also allotted over 75% of the available Punjab waters to the non-riparian areas
of Rajasthan, Haryana and Delhi.
The fact
that this act was contrary to the constitutional provisions is exemplified by
the well established principle of Riparian Law which clearly stipulates that disputes
relating to river waters can only be settled between riparian states and not by
/ between the riparian and a non-riparian state. This established law, the
world over is embodied even in the Indian Constitution vide entry 17 of the
list to 7th Schedule of the Constitution. Rivers, River Waters and Hydel power have
been state subjects.
Article 262 deals with
the adjudication of disputes relating to waters of interstate rivers or river
valleys. It states that;
Parliament may by law
provide for the adjudication of any dispute or complaint with respect to the
use, distribution or control of the waters of, or in, any inter-state river or
river valley.
Notwithstanding anything
in the constitution, Parliament may by law provide that neither the Supreme
Court nor any other court shall exercise jurisdiction in respect of any such
dispute or complaint as is referred to in clause (1).
interpretation of law and of the Constitution falls within the ambit of
‘Lawyer’s paradise’, but a layman’s reading of the Constitution indicates that
with regard to a river and its waters, the state has full and exclusive
legislative and executive powers under Articles 246(3) and 162. Thus entry 56
and Article 262 mentioned above gives authority to Parliament to legislate only
in regard to interstate rivers and not in regard to waters of a state river
over which the concerned state alone has full, exclusive and final authority.
such, both under the definition of the basin and the valley; Rajasthan and
Haryana are beyond the basin of the three Punjab Rivers namely Satluj, Beas and
Ravi. Moreover Haryana lies in the Ganga Yamuna basin, and partly in the Ghagar
basin which is clearly distinct from Satluj basin.
have been some ‘arguments’ in favour of Haryana that even the water assets of ‘pre
Punjabi Suba’ Punjab needed to be divided with Haryana as per the agreed upon
‘division of assets formula’, but for the sake of argument even in that case
the waters of Ganga Yamuna basin as also of Ghaggar Basin needed to be
allocated to Punjab in the same ratio subsequent to the creation of ‘Punjabi
Narbada River Tribunal vs. Claim of Rajasthan
On the
riparian principle there are clear judicial decisions favouring the stand of
Punjab and the single most important one is with regard to Narmada River which
passes through the territories of Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Gujarat, but
not through Rajasthan. State of Rajasthan sought a share in Narbada River as
well. The Tribunal, however, held that case that Rajasthan being a non riparian
state had no right on Narbada waters. On the issue of Rajasthan getting waters
from Punjab, It held that Rajasthan was getting Punjab waters not as a matter
of right but on account of ‘an agreement’ with Punjab about the sharing of
latter’s waters.
retrospect, Rajasthan’s argument about the claimed ‘agreement’ was also gravely
erroneous and mischievous because no such agreement was ever signed by the
state of Punjab. Government of India, on its own had apportioned Punjab river
waters and Rajasthan was allotted 8 MAF out of a total available quantity of
15.85 MAF and that too as an argument which was put to the Indus River
Commission and state of Punjab was not a party to it in any way.
important facts are, thus, clear from the Narmada Judgement. Firstly that
Rajasthan accepted that it is non-riparian vis-a-vis Punjab waters, and secondly
that Centre has been allocating Punjab waters to Rajasthan, despite objections
from the former and fully knowing that non-riparian Rajasthan has no claim to
Punjab waters.
real causes of this dispute are Sections 78 to 80 of the Punjab Reorganisation
Act 1966, which provide for three things.
that in case of difference between Punjab and Haryana, the power of making
distribution and allotments of the River waters and the hydel power from the
Punjab Rivers would lie with the Central Government. This power was later
exercised by the Central Government vide its orders of 1976, which gave over
75% of the available river waters of the Punjab to the non-riparian states of
Haryana, Rajasthan and Delhi i.e. 11.7 MAF out of 15.2 MAF.
that after 1966 all powers of control, management, administration and
maintenance of the multipurpose projects of the three Punjab Rivers shall vest
in a Board appointed and controlled by the Central Government.
the powers of extension and development of the multipurpose projects involving
irrigation and power on the three Punjab Rivers shall also vest in the Central
The net
result of these provisions is that after 1966 the State subjects of Irrigation
and Hydel power, which are solely in the state list under the constitution, virtually
became Central subjects.
Further Developments to the Detriment
of Punjab
Just as
Punjab, under the Riparian Law is said to be not entitled to Yamuna waters
after 1966, similarly Haryana is also not entitled to any water of the Punjab
rivers except what could be contracted on grounds of actual appropriation
before 1966 according to which only 0.9 MAF of water could be used by Haryana,
which was earlier, a part of the erstwhile Punjab. There was no ambiguity in
this regard but since the scheme had not actually been fully implemented before
the division of Punjab, Haryana became non-riparian and ceased to be entitled
even to 0.9 MAF envisaged in the Project. Punjab too was denied the share of
Yamuna waters on this very ground. This project was erroneously and
mischievously made a ground for the inclusion of Sections 78 to 80 in the
Punjab Reorganisation Act 1966, thereby giving an illegal lever to Haryana to
claim Punjab waters, and the Central Government to become the masters and the
arbitrator of the untenable claims of the non-riparian states.
In 1981
the Union Government under Indira Gandhi convened a meeting of Chief Ministers (all
Congress) of Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan. This meeting gave a new legally untenable
‘award’ under which Punjab was given 4.22 MAF, Haryana 3.5 MAF, Rajasthan 8.6
MAF, J & K 65 MAF and Delhi 0.2 MAF after over-assessing waters at 17.17
MAF as compared to 15.2 MAF as in 1976. It is in spite and despite the fact
that the amount of river waters had, in fact, been shrinking and not
increasing. After this so-called agreement, a case pending in the Supreme Court
regarding the constitutionality of the PR Act was also withdrawn by Punjab. The
Prime Minister soon thereafter laid the foundation of the disputed SYL Canal.
In 1983 Chief Justice,
S.S. Sandhawalia of Punjab and Haryana High Court admitted a long pending
petition by a group of Punjab farmers challenging the unconstitutional supply
of Punjab waters to non-riparian states under the Reorganisation Act. He also announced
the constitution of a Full Bench, with himself as Chairman, for the hearing of
the case the following Monday, the 25th November, 1983, but he was overnight
transferred to Patna and the full bench never sat. Moreover on the oral request
of the Attorney General of India, the case was also transferred to the Supreme
Hydel Power Issue and further Arm
above indicates how over 75% of the available waters of riparian Punjab was
allotted to non-riparian states, and the channel of approach to the Supreme
Court closed. But there was a snag still left. The agreement of 1981 among the
three Chief Ministers dealt with only the water issue. In relation to hydel
power, a possibility of challenging the constitutional violation of Articles
14, 162 and 246, and item 17 of the State List by Section 78 to 80 of the Reorganisation
Act still existed.
And as
such in May 1984, a situation was deliberately created whereby the Hydel Power
issue too could not be referred to the Supreme Court.
For that end, a new ground was found to twist
the arm of Punjab and to have an ‘out of the Court agreement’ regarding the
hydel power issue as well. By this time, Punjab had a thermal plant at Ropar,
which was to yield over 400 megawatts of electric power. For its smooth and
efficient working, appropriate cooling it was essential which necessitated drawing
of water from the Satluj channel. Cooling was to be done by circulating water
which was to be flowed back in to the irrigation channel. Rajasthan and Haryana,
both non-riparian states, objected to even this temporary use by Punjab, of the
water of its own river. Centrally appointed Bhakra Board refused to allow the
proposed necessary circulation and raised the issue to the level of a major
dispute. Instead of advising Rajasthan to follow the constitutional path and
obtain the verdict of the Supreme Court, the Government became a self-appointed
mediator and used the issue of the cooling channel as a lever for pressurising
Punjab into entering a ‘Hydel Power Agreement’. It only reminded one of the arms
twisting of the kind that was made in 1981 on the water issue. The Governor of
Punjab readily signed that agreement because the state was under his ‘rule’ at
that point of time.
The ‘agreement’
in effect provided for arbitration by a nominee of the Centre. It envisaged
that the Centre could refer any dispute on the issue, for the opinion of the
Supreme Court, and in case it declined to give such an opinion, the States
would request the Supreme Court to appoint a Judge for giving an award on the
dispute and if the Supreme Court declined to do so, the Centre would itself
nominate a Judge to give an award on the claims and the award will be binding
on the parties. Evidently, the object of the agreement, as in the case of the
1981 agreement, was three fold, which in a few words could be summarised as ‘Arm
the 1981 Water ‘Agreement’, the 1984 Hydel Power ‘agreement’ closed the door of
the Supreme Court for its verdict on the hydel power issues ‘under’ the Reorganisation
Act. It also became a subject of arbitration by the Centre or its nominee.
Thus, ‘the ultra vires character of the Section 78 to 80 of the Reorganisation Act
remained unchallenged and unexposed. The agreement of 1981 and 1984 appear to
be clear instruments both to legitimise the permanent channelising of 75% of
the Punjab waters, and hydel power to non- riparian states, and to destroy the
constitutional right of Punjab under Article 131 to have the SYL drain set
aside by a judicial verdict of the Supreme Court.
Needs of Punjab
As per available
estimates, Punjabi has about 105 lakh acres of cultivable land. Needs of modern
agriculture, double cropping, and hybrid seeds etc. place minimum water needs to
over 5 to 6 acre feet per annum for the commonly followed paddy- wheat
rotation. Thus, Punjab’s minimum water need comes to 52.5 MAF, of water per
annum whereas Satluj, Ravi and Beas, have a water flow only of about 32.5 MAF.
As against
these requirement only about 37 lakh acres of Punjab lands are estimated to be ‘canal
irrigated’. The sanctioned water supply per acre of commanded area is hardly
adequate for the requirements of assured irrigation necessary for modern
agriculture. On the basis of minimum requirement of water, the supply necessary
for 37lakh acres comes to about 18 MAF, whereas the agreed allotment to Punjab
is only about 15 MAF. It means that after 1947 out of the available waters less
than 25% have been allotted to Punjab.
Dismal Future of Tubewell Irrigation
As such
the peasant is perforce required to sink tube wells to make up for the
deficiency of canal water supply. It is estimated that more than 14 lakh tube
wells exist in Punjab and applications for more than 3 lakh more tube wells
await the nod of the concerned power commission. The cumulative result is
dangerously dwindling water table which, in its wake has also been bringing
serious health (read cancerous) problems in the entire state particularly those
areas where the water table has gone dangerously low and radioactive minerals
and elements are being thrown up along with water.
The root
cause of this ironical health and dwindling irrigation situation is nothing
but the injustice to Punjab by way of unconstitutional allotment of over 75% of
Punjab water resources to non-riparian States.
Satluj -Yamuna Link Canal
is a strong expert opinion that 3.5 MAF allocated for the SYL Canal, the waters
of which have to join Yamuna waters to be lifted for irrigation in Gurgaon (in Yamuna
basin), would not be available to it without substantial decrease in supply’ to
the old running canals of Punjab, thereby reducing the irrigated area of the
state by about ten lakh acres. The corresponding damage, it has been stressed,
would be serious in districts like Bathinda, Faridkot and Ferozepur, especially
because the ground water in those districts is saline and carries toxic
elements like boron and fluorides. Supplies to the level of allotments made by
the Central Government for Rajasthan and the SYL Canal would never be available
from Satluj even if the MB Link were completed, although before its completion
the question of supply to SYL ‘Canal cannot arise.
Contribution of Punjab
Punjabis are our worst enemies. This is the conclusion that I have, once again,
arrived at after studying court orders, newspaper clippings, articles and other
material available on net regarding the Punjab water crisis.
Most of
our politicians, irrespective of the parties are the biggest enemies of our
Punjab, Quom and Race. They become Punjabis only when elections are around the
corner and then hibernate only keeping their ‘financial interests alive. And we
gullible Punjabis as such are simple, straightforward and amenable to emotional
blackmail by most of these politicians.
I feel
that the issue of SYL canal, which some politicians are raking-up as on date,
is just to befool gullible people like us, simple hearted and straightforward ‘emotional
and sensitive Punjabis’. SYL canal, I feel cannot be constructed, will not be
constructed and made operational, on account of the reasons enumerated in preceding
paras, in our lifetimes. The entire issue will be forgotten after elections and
re-emerge during next elections. Even now, no politician is doing anything to seriously
raise the issue of continued river water supply to other states through
existing canals which are flowing full stream despite acute shortage of water
in Punjab. Half hearted statements of our politicians remind me of what we call
‘chid chid and khich khich’ in Punjabi. It all is neither here nor there. Just
some weird sounds and that is about all it. Damn such opportune leaders and
damn their ‘Gairat’.
‘drama bazi started after the recent verdict of the Supreme Court of India
invalidating PUNJAB TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT ACT 2004 by which Punjab had
terminated its ‘water pact’ with Haryana, Himachal, Rajasthan, Jammu
&Kashmir and Delhi for sharing its river waters.
And the
second Drama Bazi is ‘seeking royalty’ from other states. Were they sleeping
till now? It is just an election oriented gimmick and what hurts most is that
people still believe such loudmouthed yet insincere politicians.
has always been victimised in all possible ways, be it funds, our own water,
drugs, health plans, royalty for electricity / water/ development etc etc. Just
name anything.
If our
political leaders and even we civilians have some guts then they need to descend
on ground and make serious legal efforts to prevent out flow of Punjab waters.
The writings of S. Daljeet Singh and
other writers, particularly the former in his article ‘Punjab River-Waters
Dispute’ (
as they appear on internet are graciously acknowledged in interest of Punjab. Their
in-depth writings will certainly help in creating a favourable air in the
country as such which unfortunately is shrouded in anti Punjab myths and
propaganda. Without their ground work this attempt could never have been