Tuesday, 28 June 2016



Mood and morale of various parties…

The electoral battleground is yet unclear in Punjab and the scene is hazy.

Major players, as on date, include the ruling SAD / BJP combine, Congress and AAP. 

All of them are indulging in ferocious ‘jumla baji’ and putting up a happy and brave face but factually speaking the mood and morale of them all is somber. It is question of life and death for all three of them. Efforts are also on to create a loose ‘third Front’ which still has to take a shape.

Ruling SAD / BJP combine have their own different perspectives. Punjab has never been a high priority area for any of the national level parties because this small state sends only thirteen individuals to Lok Sabha. Punjab becomes more or less important only when any of the national parties have a thin presence in Lok Sabha. In the present context, though BJP does not give a damn as such but still it needs to recapture this state along with their alliance partners to give a shine to their sagging image. Post 2014, their performance in electoral politics of the country has been rather poor. They are losing credibility. As such BJP has to boost the sagging image of the party and of its powerful leader, the Prime Minister himself. Accolades obtained by the Prime Minister abroad notwithstanding; his image and reputation has only gathered dust at home. Recent NSG fiasco has put question a mark even on the credibility of his foreign policy. Size of Punjab and its minimal importance in the national politics notwithstanding, they badly need some reason to smile. 

SAD led by Sukhbir Singh Badal ia aiming for a hat trick. Stakes are very high for Sukhbir who knows that the image and stature of his father Mr. Parkash Singh Badal has been his only savior till now. With the growing age of his father, Sukhbir’s worries are also growing. If his father is able install him in the saddle of Chief Ministership of Punjab; post 2017, he may sail through otherwise satraps within his own party may make it difficult for him to survive politically. Already there are hard feelings within the party because the entire Badal clan, in its extended form, is occupying and enjoying top positions in Punjab and Central Governments. Sukhbir’s tongue lashing and dictatorial style of functioning has been irritating his senior colleagues in the party. BJP may also only look away as long as the senior Mr. Badal is around. Stories about the rift within this top family of the state have also been around. 2017, as such, is more of a question of political survival for the Badal family, particularly Sukhbir Badal.

Congress, is in total disarray and almost down in the pit. It is going to contest 2017 elections, keeping Capt Amarinder Singh at the centre stage. Developments till now indicate that they have practically given a long rope to Capt. He can either use it as a noose or to pull himself up. This long rope with ‘jalebies’ tied there on, includes a political campaign of his choice to be implemented through Prashant Kishore, party observers of his choice, ‘expulsion’ of Ahmad Patel, bringing in of ‘prabharies’ of his choice, first Kama Nath and now on Asha Kumari. ‘Jalebies’ include major say in selection of candidates as well.
As on date, the most serious challenge to the Nehru Gandhi family is from its regional satraps. Either of them has to get crushed. Capt is the only leader from Punjab who is capable of giving a battle challenge to Sonia and family which is keeping playing its cards well by not letting the political image of Priyanka getting diluted in any way. She is the Ace of Spades and kept fortified. Capt’s direct challenge to Rahul had indeed rattled the Janpath and in a deft political move, Rahul retreated on the political chess board making way for the Captain, in Punjab, who in his royal style declared that 2017 will be his last of the political battles. If lost, it may it may be the end of political fortunes of his family which means ‘the biggest hurdle gone’. Other regional satraps will take a lesson from his eclipse. And in case if he brings that party back in power then Congress will be gung ho and claim that Renaissance has begun. The Congress party has not much to lose. They can’t sink more. Capt, his weaknesses notwithstanding, will give a fight.

Coming to AAP, lesser said on date, the better. Fighting a battle with in and from outside, they also have a problem maintaining their credibility. Many of its cadre who swore by the broom is in double mind, several of them even carrying a banner of revolt. Their jumla baji notwithstanding, they have hardly made their stand on Punjab centric issues clear. There is no recognised leadership with a credible face which might be acceptable to all segments and sections of Punjab. As on date one can only wait and watch though wind appears to be in their favour.

Monday, 27 June 2016



Punjab, the land of Gurus, is once again moving towards yet another cross road. Only god knows which road will it take in 2017? The road which they take will decide its destiny, may be the ultimate destiny.

The electoral maneuvering has since been going on for quite some time now and political games are being played both on the stage and behind the curtains.
There are several issues / aspects which need consideration. For the sake of easy reading, I intend dealing with the entire gamut in a few installments.

In the first installment, that is this particular article, I will deal only with the general scenario.

The ruling ‘junta’ of the SAD-BJP combine, particularly the SAD is, from organizational point of view, in the happiest position. I remember that my ex friend Sukhbir Singh Badal, the incumbent Deputy Chief Minister cum the De-Facto Chief Minister used to say, way back in 2002/2003, that he was an apprentice in the ‘Capt Amarinder Singh’s School of Politics’ and that he has been a quick learner. Admittedly there was immense difference in the style of functioning both of the Congress and SAD governments. They were urban / rural oriented, had corporate / panchayat style of functioning was. Body language, spoken language, mannerism and gestures were also typical of these two distinct schools. When SAD came in power in 2007, Sukhbir has stated that he will turn his party into a kind of monolithic corporate kind of body and that he did. He passed out of his ‘self designated school of Politics’ with flying colours. Every one could see the change in him and in party functioning. He concentrated on organizational structure and strengthened it besides becoming, in the process, an administrator who could rule with iron hands and almost ruthlessly. And this is the reason that his party goes not have any open or discernible dissentions within. Yes there are some clashes of ego between some top leaders where Sukhbir, aptly has been using his father, to handle and diffuse the situation. Despite simmering egos and pent up frustrations amongst some, the party stands united.

BJP, the affiliate ruling group, is faction ridden with pockets of influence only in certain urban areas. It is not of much significance but for the reason that they head the ruling NDA alliance in Delhi and the SAD is heavily dependent on the prime minister for its survival and ‘daily bread and butter’ which Delhi doles out to Punjab off and on.

As against it, Congress, which is ruled and controlled from Delhi, is as united as a sieve with massive punctured holes. There are leaders at all levels; state, districts, block and even villages who are always ready and prepared to cut each other throats. The policy of ‘checks and balances’ pursued by their high command is primarily responsible for it. It does not want and single regional satrap from any of the states / organizational units who could challenge the High Command. A divided house is no threat o the ‘high command’ is their policy. As on date, though Capt Amarinder Singh might have been declared ‘Punjab Da Capt’ but he does not feel secure on account of internal dissentions. His announcement that 2017 is going to be his last try in electoral politics has only strengthened his rivals who see it as the ‘possible political demise’ not only of his political life but of his royal family as well. They are all the more determined to stab him in his back once and for all.

AAP, the next important party which came up well in Punjab, is also organizationally week. Youth, both in urban and rural areas might be swayed and swearing by the ‘broom’ but the lack of organizational discipline may kill their enthusiasm. Haphazard new inductions in the party, including that of some known turn coats, criminals and even those with tainted drug links will do them the maximum damage coupled with the disastrous damage  that older ‘young turks’; now in the dumps, will do.

There are many other groups including the left oriented parties, the BSP and several newly mushroomed parties; all of which will only lead to division of votes in favour of the incumbent SAD-BJP. It is notwithstanding allegations by certain sectors that some of these groups and parties have been propped up by the ruling combine with that very purpose in mind.

To sum up, SAD and its alliance partner BJP are the strongest organized political group in the state and will have that clear advantage, from that point of view, in 2017. Rival political parties may do well to understand that they should not take SAD-BJP for granted on this ‘point no 1’…

Friday, 17 June 2016



Barring some short periods India that is Bharat that is ‘Hindoostan’, has traditionally been ruled from the Delhi Takht. Major period of exceptions included the Agra Raj of ‘Mooghals’ and the Calcutta Raj of the Gora Sahibs. This state of affairs continued till the establishment of the Delhi Sultanate under Arvind Kejariwal. It was and still remains a direct challenge to the 14th Emperor of independent India who also sites in Delhi, Narendra Damodardas Modi. Though the Emperors of India always had to fight their adversaries, including the palace intriguers but it is for the first time in the history that a lesser ruling Sultan has been challenging the might and empire of the Emperor of India himself.   

 The current political scenario of Delhi funnily always reminds me of the Delhi Durbar incident of 1911 when Maharaja Sayyaji Rao III, the Gaekwar of Baroda had showed the ‘audacity’ of defying the Emperor of India, George V, in front of the entire Indian Royalty of the British Indian Raj, the British Viceroy, the Government of British India and over 100,000 spectators. Ranked next only to the Nizam of Hyderabad, he arrived at the Delhi Durbar amphitheater in full royal dress wearing historic Baroda Jewels, as per the Viceroy’s declared ‘Dress Order Protocol’, removed them just before the moment he was to approach the Emperor, bowed ‘improperly’ before him and the ‘Empress’, turned his back away ‘disrespectfully’ and walked away (each Indian ruler or ‘native prince’ was expected to bow thrice before backing away without showing his back) twirling his walking stick with a gold handle. The entire incident sent ‘shock-waves among the British Royalty, Government and the Native Rajahs and Princes. From then until his death in 1939 he was for the most part ostracized by the British authorities even though he wrote a half hearted letter of apology soon afterwards saying that if he had not seemed to conform to the ritual, it was due to ‘nervousness and confusion in the presence of Their Majesties’.

I have no information if the Muffler Clad Sultan has on any occasion, been audacious in front of the Emperor, but running feud between the two and continued skirmishes indicate continued guerrilla warfare between both the Powers. Both of them continue pursuing their ambitious plans to subjugate more and more territories; Punjab, Uttar Pradesh and Goa being current trophies to be captured, on their chess board of power and intrigues.

Let’s see who wins, when and how much.

It is going to be an interesting watch…

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

‘Udta Punjab’ Controversy

‘Udta Punjab’ Controversy

The ‘Udta Punjab’ controversy has freshened in my mind the devious role, the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting plays in ‘controlling the media; print, electronic and visual. Films and documentaries come under the last category and in light of ‘Udta Punjab’, I am referring to that. I & B Ministry have a set of written guidelines as also a set of ‘unwritten customs and conventions’. Written guidelines are framed in legal language and appear to be on up and up though, they at certain places, can be interpreted either way, giving rise to the ‘unwritten customs and conventions’, which hide under the legal cloak and have been paving way for undue governmental / political pressure. To ‘misquote’ the famous jurist A. V. Dicey, ’political control over media thrives under the cloak these legally correct rules’.

‘Reasonable’ restrictions can be imposed if any movie or channel endeavors to show some thing against public and social morality or which may spread religious, social or communal discord, amongst other things. In case of doubt, ‘advice’ of the ministry is sought, either in writing or even verbally. All controversial issues are also referred to the Ministry in writing which may constitute a ‘specialized group’ to give its opinion. This small group pre-views the film in private, gives its opinion, based on which ministry takes the final decision. I remember that in early eighties such preview used to be held in a small movie auditorium, of the ministry, located on Mahadev Road, adjacent to the All India Radio premises on the Parliament Street, New Delhi. This auditorium was located in a very inconspicuous location and somewhat difficult to locate. I had gone there to pre-view a movie based on the ‘Sakhis’, which have an honourable place in Sikh history, tradition and way of life. Ten odd member ‘review group’ consisted of Sikh religious personalities and representatives of some political parties besides a couple of guys, including me, who belonged to a certain intelligence organization. The purpose was to assess the possible socio-politico-religious fall out of the movie. Most of us took objection to the ‘clearance’ of the movie because in the movie which was though produced by some Sikh gentleman, Guru Nanak Sahib’s role was played by some human character which is against the tenets of Sikh religion. No living person can act the role of any Sikh guru. It is blasphemous. Guru Sahibans can be symbolized only as a ‘light’ or ‘halo’. We rejected the movie which later was amended as per the religious tenets and then released. I have no idea whether the auditorium is still located there or not.

Knowledgeable friends in the Ministry and Media maintain that subsequent to the ‘information’ given by the Censor Board, which anyhow consists of the Government nominees and who owe their allegiance to the government, the film ‘Udta Punjab’ was also previewed by the officials of certain intelligence agencies as also some politicians belonging to the parties whose electoral prospects might get hampered in Punjab elections scheduled for early 2017, in case the movie is released at this juncture. They all unanimously decided that the movie will indeed harm the ruling alliance in Punjab. The ministry then decided to ‘ban’ the movie on the ground that it might influence the mindset of modern youth who want to be in a perpetual high. Adverse political and social reaction to the proposed ‘ban’, then led to a way out in the form of innumerable cuts. It is a sad commentary not only on the working of I &B Ministry but on the political climate of ‘intolerance’ which has been pervading the country. Freedom of expression and speech can not be curbed in an authoritarian way. People are mature enough to decide for themselves. Admittedly, the movie might be an exaggeration and dramatization, but then that is what the celluloid is all about. Are government sponsored documentaries and visuals not absolutely unrealistic and absurd? 

So why crib about ‘Udta Punjab’ on account of political considerations?

Monday, 6 June 2016

A Disastrous ‘Limped’ Forward March

A Disastrous ‘Limped’ Forward March

Having successfully limped back from a holocaust in 1993, Punjab, is once again inching towards yet another cataclysm, which may turn out to be more catastrophic as compared to any of innumerable tragedies that Punjab has witnessed do far. No, I am not going to talk about Militancy, Drugs, Cancer, Female Feticide, Rising Unemployment, Gangs of Punjab, Corruption, Capturing and Grabbing of Natural Resources of Punjab by a few, Mis-governance, Rights of Punjab on its Waters, Electricity, Land, Granary etc. Everyone in the world knows and is worried about it; except of course, Punjabis themselves who and whose leaders raise and refer to these issues only on the eve of an election, big or small and then go back into hibernation.
Here I am talking about the economic exploitation of Punjabis by their own brethren, by political Abdalis. Yes I am referring to politicians in general; leaches who are stuck on the carcass of the Punjabi leviathan. After having sucked the blood of Punjabi society they are still leeching on to its dead body, trying to eat whatever flesh remains. These suckers come in all possible colours, shades, clothes and head-gears. They all want Punjabi sculls to play ‘kickball’ with.

Most of the ‘deviant kind of’ Punjabi politicians come from humble back grounds, either their own or of their dads or grand dads. Over a period of time, they ‘did’ great and became millionaires, even billionaires. Some of the ‘super lucky’ now own fortunes in India and even all over the world, either in their own name, but mostly in ‘benami’. ‘Vote catching’ verbal diarrhea of the present national government to bring so-called black money back to country and of unearthing ill-gotten properties of politician and politico-tycoons has fallen flat because several of their own men also exist in the list of such leeches who have sucked the blood of gullible.

Talking of Punjab, several of Punjabi diaspora have been scared of coming back fearing that their ‘shareeks’ / politicians of one colour or creed may grab their property with the help of police. Shareek is a dreaded word used for such of close relatives who become sharks over a time period, all set to grab the properties of such of their close relatives with whom their blood has turned white. The split rate has been 60: 40, sixty percent for shareek and forty to be divided between police and politician concerned. In case of lucrative properties the ratio reverses. Shareek gets forty percent or less in cash and entire property either goes to concerned politician or officials; police or civil, property dealers included, whosoever is more powerful. NRIs are threatened implication in one case or other, generally planting of ‘chitta’, that is smack or any other psychotropic drug / substance. Spinning fabricated ‘rape / molestation’ cases is also common. Several police / civil officials, property dealers and politicians are known to have a ready-made ‘harem’ of such gullible women who are lured into business.

Up and high mortals living and breathing on this land called Punjab, have often been forced into ‘partnerships’ with powerful politicians giving up 30-50% share for ‘protection’, which then empowers them to do their business their own way for the ‘protected can do no wrong’.
Still ‘lesser and lower mortals’, have to be ‘pleased to give up their property’ just at the askance of the powerful; ‘politician, gangsters, police, civil’ officials tribe or face ‘consequences’. They are supposed to be always ‘pleased’ like a governor or even presidents’ who always stay ‘pleased’, even while signing death warrants. Lesser mortals of ‘riff-raff, have no right to be displeased, even while giving up their womenfolk to this category of swine.

This kind of exploitation which has been going on in a ‘democratic, free and peaceful’ Punjab since early nineties is forcing people to an edge, towards a revolution against such despotic politicians. I fear for some of such despots who, in not very distant future, may see and face the wrath of masses. No amount of armed protection would, then save them. This category of Machiavellian politicians have probably forgotten the famous warning of Machiavelli not to touch either the property or women folk of subjects.

Thursday, 2 June 2016



Oh hell; this day I am yet once again getting reminded of Radha Rani Kee Nautanki. As a very young kid, I had spent some memorable years in the terai belt of the then Uttar Pradesh, the undivided state, as it then used to be. I have fantastic memories of those times; one of the most important ones being of the great Radha Rani Kee Nautanki. She used to be a living legend in the terai belt consisting of the old districts of Pilibhit, Bareilly, Lakhimpur Kheri etc., and if I am not wrong, right up to the capital city of Lucknow. All segments of society right from top politicians and officialdom to zamindars to common citizen / villager yearned to see her shows. I had the good fortune of seeing her shows on a couple of occasions whenever I came home from school  and I will not hesitate to admit that perhaps I had developed a crush on that slightly thickset lady named Radha Rani. She was in her late thirties or may be very early forties. Whenever she came on the stage and danced to the tune of the then famous ‘Bichua’ song from the movie ‘Madhumati’...
Hoy oy oy oy oy
O daiya re daiya re
Chadh gayo papi bichhua
O hay-hay re mar gai
Koi utaro bichhua
Daiya re daiya re
Chadh gayo papi bichhua
... not only me, a small child, but the entire audience consisting of high and low officials of the district,
 as well as zamindars, reputed and common citizens / villagers, all alike, skipped few of their heart beats
, their lady wives passing on dirty and even venomous glances on them.
In this nostalgic background, I am gonna refer to today’s news papers carrying a new item about the opening of  the 57 kms long Gotthard Base Tunnel from Erstfeld to Bodio in Switzerland in the presence of Swiss President J Schneider-Amman and the German Chancellor Angela Merkel. This news item reminded me of ‘my’ Radha Rani. The news item further stated that it took about seventeen years to construct this tunnel from which about 28 million tonnes of rocks were removed to pave the way through. A technical marvel, the tunnel, at certain points is as much as 2.3 kilometres below the surface of the earth. Wow man, it certainly is one the greatest technical marvels of the world and it indicates the persistence, determination and resolve of the guys who conceived the idea and implemented it during the regime of several political parties and presidents of that country. Unlike India, none of the political parties either tried to close the project or even mar it with one controversy of the other.

And to top it all, there was no Radha Rani to dance on the occasion, no laser lights, no dramatics, no cheap publicity gimmicks, no nothing, absolutely no nothing else. Only its dedication to the people, some speeches and off went the leaders who inaugurated it. It reminded me of the simple ceremonies that once upon a time used to be held in India as well, like dedication and opening of massive projects like Bhakra Nangal. And then it sadly and painfully reminded me of the modern ‘trends’ in ‘Mera Mahan Bharat’ of today. Millions and trillions of rupees; your and my money, which we pay in taxes to the governments, are wasted on dramatics; on ‘nautch girls and boys’,’ bollywood sitaras’ and laser lights and this and that ‘tam-jham’ only to add glamour to such occasions and obtain cheap publicity there from. We, common aadmi of late great cartoonist Laxman, can do nothing but see, our eyes filled with tears, taxpayer’s, that is you and me, money going down the drain; we common aaadmi, trying to show that we are enjoying being raped by our own representatives.

What a shame?

And know what? Being henpecked, I showed this article, which I know, no one is going to publish, to Rita, my wife and she just laughed stating, ‘wow, it is gonna set up a healthy trend. Hence forth, on each and every occasion, the chief guests should inaugurate projects; petty, small, medium, big or massive, dancing a few steps themselves swinging to the tune of...
Hoy oy oy oy oy
 O daiya re daiya re
 Chadh gayo papi bichhua
 O hay-hay re mar gai
 Koi utaro bichhua
 O daiya re daiya re
 Chadh gayo papi bichhua    
And all that I could do, was just to smile and say AMEN