Monday, 18 May 2020


Various governments in India, appear to have totally failed in their efforts to face the WUHAN CORONA crisis.
Apart from having failed in throttling the pandemic (failed extensive medical facilities, failed effective lockdowns and social distancing etc), they have failed the migrants also. They should have been given basic amenities wherever they were.
Migrations, indeed, have been disastrous for migrants. They have suffered immense miseries in attempting to go back to their respective homes.
Besides this, now the resumption of production and revival of economy will be more difficult because workers may not be not readily prepared to come back to their work.
This is because they feel that 'reaumption' of normal life is not going to be easy.
They ain't sure if they will be able to get their jobs / livelihood back again. They doubt survival on return, both because of lack of their finances, fear of continued pandemic, other health issues, to speak of the few of reasonable doubts. They suffer from lack of trust both in the governments and their employers.
It appears that the governments have failed to save both the migrants as also the national economy.
Doling out money under various packages is not gonna help because as always, greater chunk is likely to be syphoned off by certain politicians and members of  bureaucracy.
It is a well known fact that famines, disaster like conditions often, unfortunately bring a smile on the faces of 'inhumans', falling in the aforesaid categories. Post announcement of '20 lakh crore package, I heard of private celebrations in certain aforesaid 'sub-humans' groups.
As usual zilch is gonna reach the needy and the national economy is all set to nosedive, if the governments do not remain 'extra alive'.

(Pic, courtesy the net)

Sunday, 22 March 2020

Janata Curfew

I ain't a Modi fan, but today I want to thank him for this so called "JANTA CURFEW"...

It will no doubt, ensure social distancing, albeit, just for a day. But what I am liking about this day, is something different, entirely different and unexpected...

After ages, in fact after several decades, I am, once again experiencing peace and solitude. Environs are silent. No, it is not the silence of a cemetery or a "shamshan ghat"....

No way, just no way...

This silence is divine, peaceful and of happy ambiance. There is no noise, no voices, nothing. Only sounds that I hear, sitting in the front lawn of my house in Chandigarh, is of gently blowing wind, rustling leaves of the trees and plants around me, of birds chirping, of squirrels tweeting and clawing each other,  beautifully coloured butterflies, distant sound of some enchanting old Bollywood songs on someone's radio...

And it has once again rekindled my dead desire to write some poetry. Dead, because the right words had stopped coming in my mind. The feeling, the desire, the urge, the inspiration; every thing had died down in the middle of the daily battle of life. In the middle of the daily struggle for sustainance, sustainance of self and family, of daily chores of life...

I had totally forgotten that wind still blows gently, that leaves of the trees and plants around, still do rustle, that there still are so many little birds even in an urban habitat like Chandigarh. I had forgotten that squirrels can dance...

I had forgotten how to live...

And I had forgotten that I could still smile, a beautiful and enchanting smile which was lost in the daily rut of life...

A smile which could evoke a still better smile on the face of my life...

And it reminds me, once again, of my beautiful childhood spent in the foot of the mountains, on the edge of the massive Mala forest range of the Terai region of India, in Uttar Pradesh province...

It was there, decades ago, that I had truly enjoyed my life, a free and carefree life of a child, climbing trees, picking up lotus flowers from a nearby pond, running after birds and butterflies, stealing fruits from the orchards around our place, listening to the stories being narrated by some of our helpers and finally getting off to sleep in their laps...

Fantastic memories, like a fairy tale...

It was then, decades ago, that I had enjoyed this simitude...

Thank you Modi...

Thank you...