The 'D' Trail
Language and literature are the essence of any civilization.
Language is the mode of expression where as literature is the most important
manifestation of the progress or decline of any civilization. Humans as also
animals have their own language. They denote things good and bad. One would not
have thought that over a period of time, some words or letters of a language
could become unpalatable and denote different things. In the Indian context,
letters like ‘K’, ‘M’, ‘K2M’, ‘N’ etc have denoted different things, issues,
problems and even political philosophy. In not too distant a past the ‘D’ word
was and, for that matter, still is dreaded along with its expansion, ‘the D
Company’. Then since 2007, the letter ‘D’ started denoting another thing,
‘Drugs’. It became the talk of the town in the areas west of Delhi,
particularly Punjab when I exposed the ongoing drug racket in Punjab which has its tentacles spreading
all over the world and there after ‘the hell let loose’. No, I am not talking
about the threats which were given to me or the attempts on my life, but the
attention of the anti drug agencies of some countries of Europe, Australian and
America continents which started rushing to Punjab for ‘inquiry and
investigation’. The ‘D’ word even prompted the Indian politicians including
Rahul Gandhi and later the Prime Minister of India, who referred to it in his
‘Man Ki Baat’. People of Punjab thought that something worthwhile, some
positive step was now imminent, but they are still waiting. Life goes on. With
a view to create awareness on the issue, I feel that probably it is time to let
people know what exactly this deadly ‘D’ trail is. The contents of this article
are based on my study, research, inquiries and individual investigations
spanning last about three years, starting 2012.
The present article concerns only one type of drug that is
‘OPIATES’; heroine and its derivatives. From this angle, the world, as it
exists today, has two major opium producing areas, the ‘Golden Triangle’
consisting of Myanmar, Laos, Thailand and surrounding areas on the North
Eastern side of India and the ‘Golden Crescent’ on other side which consists of
Afghanistan, North West Frontier Province of Pakistan and surrounding areas.
The generic names, ‘Crescent’ and the ‘Triangle’ denote the general shape of
the concerned opium producing area.

The ‘Golden
Traditionally, the ‘Crescent’ has been a poppy cultivation
area and opium was being used both as an addiction as also a medicine. The area
however, saw a boom in the opium production during the years 1979-1989. These
years, also known as the Soviet Period witnessed a rise in the ‘Mujahidin’
movement with the tacit help of the United States and its allies to seek the
ouster of Soviets from the area. Afghan warlords and regional commanders used
the opportunity to drastically promote opium production so that with opium and its
drug money, they could purchase more and more arms and declare their
suzerainty. With the withdrawal of Soviets in 1989, various Mujahidin factions
started fighting within themselves in their bid to capture as mush areas as
each of them could. In view of the withdrawal of the Soviet army, U.S.A. and
allies also cut down their help to Mujahidin and the latter resorted to poppy
growing and opium trade in their respective area to purchase arms and weapons.
This period was followed by the period of rise of Taliban, during the years
1994-2001. A bumper crop of 4500 metric tons of opium was reported in year
1999. Though Taliban leader Mullah Mohammad Omar and some others tried to
impose a ban on opium production calling it ‘anti Islamic’ but not much of
success was achieved. Starting 2008, Taliban insurgency is now generally
supporting cultivation of poppy and production of opium. Now opium, the ‘Black
Gold’ is another name for money and several high officials, Taliban, war lords
and insurgents are encouraging local farmers to cultivate poppy and produce
opium. In Afghanistan, the regions of Helmand and Kandhar top the opium
production, followed by lesser areas including Farah, Badghis, Day Kundi,
Urozgan and Zabul, though not necessarily in that sequence because production
has often been varying.

There have been allegations that besides the Mujahidin, warlords
and corrupt officials; the C.I.A. and a large number of 32,000 regular foreign
troops of the N.A.T.O., 8,000 U.S. and other special operations forces,
primarily the ‘Contracted’ (read Mercenary) soldiers did promote the initial
international illegal drug trade from across Afghanistan. Antonio Maria Costa,
an Executive Director of U.N.O.D.C (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime)
had rightly described the situation in Afghanistan saying that, ‘There is no
rule of law in most of the Southern Afghanistan- THE BULLETS RULE’.
Traditional routes of drug smuggling through Balkans, into
erstwhile U.S.S.R, now new countries there from like Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan,
Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan besides Iran, Turkey and Pakistan still
continue. Mid 1980s, witnessed the opening of a new route that is through
Indian Punjab. This route was the brain child of the Pakistani I.S.I. which
needed huge amounts of money for their nefarious design, dismembering of our
Punjab from rest of India. They did not encounter much problem in this. Petty
smugglers from both India and Pakistan had been working as ‘double agents’ for
their respective intelligence agencies ever since the partition of the country.
They primarily operated through the borders along Gujarat, Rajasthan and Punjab
besides, to a lesser extent, J&K. Punjabis living in both Indian and
Pakistani Punjab, have had old ethnic and economic bonding. They are also well
off as compared to the population living on either side of the border along
other states. We still have similarly
named subs castes in both Punjabs. The initial years of Indian independence had
witnessed heavy fluctuations in the international prices of gold. Western
Maharashtra and Indian Punjab emerged as major centers of gold smuggling.
Smugglers like Haji Mastan as also a number of Punjabis living across the
borders had access to money, basic ingredient for gold smuggling. Quite a few highly
placed political families of yesteryear's of Punjab as also some high official
of the police and security forces were known to be top gold smugglers. I.S.I.
did not have much problem in cultivating the descendants of such families and
also several other petty smugglers and to lure into the trade of drug smuggling
across the border. They were already ‘out of trade’ because of the somewhat ‘stabilizing
international gold prices’. The drug trade has immense margin and in the
initial years, they were just interested in pushing the drugs into India on
their way to the ultimate destination, Europe and the United States. The
smuggling was via Delhi and there ill famed Paharganj was the center for
storage, cooling off and further export, one way or the other. It was only over
a period of time that some of the Indian smugglers started adulterating the
heroin and selling them in Punjab and elsewhere to make a quick buck because
the normal mode of payments through ‘hawala’, often took time and was made only
after the receipt of the consignment. The mode of payment now, is through
internet banking with some of the notorious banks. Such accounts are generally
maintained in various smaller countries, both in South East Asia and European /
American continents. The trade goes on with the direct involvement and
blessings of some political big wigs belonging to various parties as also
greasing the palms of officials of the security forces and the police. Number of ‘Front’ NGOs and business
establishments are also making a quick buck on the corpses of the young and
other addicts, generally Punjabis. None of the Punjab or central governments
have seriously tried even to study the problem, what to talk of trying to nip
The ‘Golden
‘Golden Triangle’ consisting of mountainous regions of Myanmar,
Laos, Thailand and the surrounding areas sits on the North Eastern side of
India. Until 21st century, most of world’s

heroin came from this region which also designates the
confluence of Ruak and the Mekong rivers. Within this region Myanmar takes the
lead coming only next to Afghanistan in the matter of opium production. As per
a UNODC report, in year 2005, about 430 sq. km of its area was under opium
cultivation. A study of the Golden Triangle makes a fascinating and interesting
study, bordering unique ‘romanticism, mysticism, intreague and a bone chilling
trail of cruelty and ruthlessness’ as compared to a blatantly raw and brutally violent
story of the Golden Crescent. This area prominently figures in the Chinese
opium wars and the mystic Chinese secret societies.
Despite the crackdown on the drug lord Khun Sa’s Mong Tai
army and his subsequent surrender, opium cultivation continues unabated in the
tribal regions of Myanmar, Laos, Thailand and some adjacent areas. Primary
reason there for is the extreme poverty of the region and lure of money to them
by major opiate growing and exporting organizations operating primarily from
the American continent, besides the urban Chinese centers in Taiwan, Singapore,
Hong Kong, Thailand and even Kolkata etc. Latter is again emerging as a major
hub because of the increased vigilance in other regions. Investigations with
respect to the ‘Triangle’ have been more open and indicting as compared to the
‘Crescent’ where none, worth its name has taken place.
Opium and heroin base produced in north eastern Myanmar are
transported on the backs of horses and donkey, moving in caravan, to the
‘refineries’ on Thailand and Myanmar border for conversion into high grade
heroin. Finished product is known to have been sent in all neighbouring ‘areas’
primarily Bangkok, followed by Kolkata for further distribution. Some South East Asian countries have established
cartels controlling the trade. The trade from this region is primarily in the
hands of Ethnic Chinese. The primary destination of drug produced in this
region, is North America, both the United States and Canada. There also trade
of this drug is again primarily in the hands of Chinese associated with various
Triad societies.
A triad is one of the Chinese transnational organized
criminal organizations. They are primarily based in Hong Kong, Macaw, Taiwan,
Singapore, Thailand as also in Kolkata and various other countries having
significant Chinese population including United States, Canada, England,
France, Australia, South Africa etc. some Chinese Triads claim their origin in
China way back in 1760s. While talking of a Triad, mention also needs to be
made of ‘Tongs’, literally meaning a ‘Hall’ or gathering place, they are also
to be found in Canada and in United States. They are secret societies or ‘sworn
brotherhood’ and are often known to be indulging in criminal activities. Tongs
follow the pattern of the secret societies existing in Southern China, e.g.
Tiandihui. The trade of the heroin / drugs produced in the Golden Triangle is
primarily in the hands of these Triad and Tongs.
My extensive study of the global activities related to Drugs
has led to some shocking revelations and patterns.

To start with, obviously it is a worldwide phenomenon. Drug
in question, that is heroin of various purities and potencies are primarily
produced in Asia, in the areas falling within the Golden Crescent and the
Golden Triangle. The ultimate destination of major part of this drug is United
States, Europe and Australia. It has many routes, but India has become one of
the major routes of its smuggling or ‘export’ abroad. The other lethal drug,
that is Cocaine is primarily produced in South America and is ‘exported’ all
over world. Of late India has also become its ‘significant’, if not major
In Afghanistan opium trade is known to have the patronage of a
section of Mujahidin, regional war lords and high Afghan army and civil
officials. There are allegations that the CIA is still actively involved in
drug trafficking because of its requirement of huge amounts of money for their
clandestine operations all over the world. There are several books and writings
to this effect, notable being works of Alfred McCoy, Peter Dale Scott and
journalists like Alexander Cockburn and Gary Webb. Their ‘exposures’ led to
various ‘official’ investigations by American Senate and others. Similarly
there have been allegations about the role of the Russian secret agencies.
In Pakistan the dreaded I.S.I. started this game with
vengeance against India. Top Pakistani army brass, which controls the
government there, either directly or indirectly remain willful partners in the
trade, using this money for their personal as also the ‘misguided plan’ against
India. Of late, on account of the international ‘exposure’ they are said have
transferred the actual trade to top smugglers and dons, including Dawood
Ibrahim, who work under the patronage of the I.S.I., top Pak army officials and
Studies indicate that in India that is Punjab, is the only
country where the drug trade is going on with active political connivance and
support of corrupt police and security officials. The borders and routes
through Turkey, Iran and the new neighbouring countries emerging after the
downfall of the U.S.S.R. and bordering Afghanistan, the trade is protected and
carried out by drug cartels directly which pass on drug money of security and
other officials besides some top politicians on ‘as is where is’ basis. Same is
true in respect of Russia, Australia and various European countries through
which the drugs pass. These drug cartels have been using various nationalities
to act as their conduits and carriers.
It appears that in the developing and underdeveloped
countries, falling on the international drug route, this nefarious trade is
going on either under the direct or indirect political patronage where as in
the developed countries, it is the ‘responsibility’ either of the established
drug cartels, organized crime syndicates as also their dreaded intelligence
agencies. It is only a matter of time that the drug trade in developing countries
is also taken over by organized crime syndicates and drug cartels.
And The 'D' Trail continues…
*Note: Pictures and Maps are from the internet.
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